Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More Mrs. International Photos!

Today, I received two of my photos from the official Mrs. International Pageant photographer, Paula Preston.  These photos will be featured in an upcoming issue of "Memphis Health and Fitness Magazine."  I am still so happy about my experience at Mrs. International.  I have such great memories that I will always treasure.  Every time I think about it, I smile :)
Evening Gown Winner!

Fitness Winner!

White Hall, Arkansas Pageants

Last weekend I had the privilege of being invited to judge the White Hall Pageants in White Hall, Arkansas.  My friend Jennie Huyck is the Director, and she and her husband, Will, put on a fantastic event for the people of White Hall.  They are 100% volunteers, and they singlehandedly provide girls of all ages in White Hall with the opportunity to showcase their talents and poise.  We judges were treated to amazing meals, a beautiful hotel room for the weekend, a basket of goodies (including cupcakes:), and a massage!  Congratulations to all the beautiful and talented contestants.  I had a great time, and it was a treat to have a front row seat to a fantastic show!
Pageant Director, Jennie Huyck, me, and fellow judge, Amanda Patterson, Mrs. Arkansas America 2011 

The adorable and extremely talented Chloe Ward, 2011 Junior Miss White Hall and Junior Talent Winner, and me 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Still on Cloud Nine!

One week after the finale of the 2011 Mrs. International Pageant, I am still just giddy about my experience!  The more I reflect on pageant week, the more I am humbled, inspired, and energized.  I was so fortunate to be affored the opportunity to be included in the Mrs. International Class of 2011.  I am so very thankful for memories I will sincerely treasure for a lifetime.  Please enjoy several more photos from my week!  Once I receive the official photos from the pageant photographer, I will be posting those as well.
Just before my one on one interviews with the judges 

My interview group:  Tennessee, Arkansas, California, North Dakota, and Great Plains

Me and Mrs. Arkansas, Renee Stone, before boarding the boat to tour downtown Chicago! 

David and me immediately after finals

The Fabulous Top 12

Me with my gorgeous cheering section!

Me and Cari Baker, my friend and makeup maven  

Me and my interview secret weapon, Suzy Bootz

Just after being called as 3rd Runner-up!  So happy!!