I want to challenge each of you to spend time this holiday season giving something of yourself and your talents to help another person. You will never regret a second you spending helping someone else. Share your gratitude for the blessings you have been given. I always keep in mind that if not for a simple twist of fate, I could have been born without the opportunities I was lucky enough to be blessed with. This fact rings true to me every week when I tutor my ten year old friend, Devon. He and I have been working together weekly since he was seven. Devon faces huges challenges; none of them of his choosing. Making him believe he can and will succeed is a big part of my life. I feel it is my responsiblity. And, you know what? Spending time with such a determined, kind-hearted little guy lifts my spirits every week. I leave my time with him feeling revived, energized, happy, and grateful. I challenge you to do the same thing in your own life. Pay your gratitude and your blessings forward this holiday season. You will be changed as you change the life of someone (or a dog or cat :) that needs you! Get out there and make a difference this month!
God Bless,
Mary-Marsha Riley
Mrs. Tennessee International 2011
Me and my husband, David, with Devon